Since Stellar Technology manufactures, designs and services technology-based sensor products, it is crucial that we provide great technical support for our customers for both before and after sales. Our inside sales engineers and regional sales managers are able to provide much of this support. If they need assistance on technical matters, they are encouraged to put a Stellar Technology design engineer directly in contact with your engineer, project manager, technician, etc. These pre-sales exchanges are often crucial in determining the optimum sensor solution.
If you need any technical assistance during the initial review and sensor selection process, feel free to call us at 716-250-1900 or contact us using the form below. In either case, provide your name, company name, contact information, and a brief description of the technical support you require.
The Stellar Technology inside sales engineer who is in charge of your location will reach out to you upon receiving the inquiry.
Post Sale
Post-sales technical support issues can often be addressed with a phone call or an email. In these cases, the technical support provided by our regional sales managers or inside sales engineers is sufficient. As with pre-sales technical support, if they are unable to provide the required technical support, they will assign a Stellar Technology design engineer to be in direct contact with your engineer, project manager, technician, or others.
If none of these approaches provides the required support, Stellar Technology is one of the few, if not the only, test and measurement sensor companies with a dedicated field service engineer whose primary responsibility is on-site field evaluation and support.
For post-sale technical support please contact us using the form below, or call us at 716-250-1900. In either case, provide your name, contact information, company name, and a brief description of the post-sale technical support you require. The Stellar Technology inside sales engineer who is in charge of your location will contact you upon receiving your inquiry.
Note: Applies to pressure transducers, pressure transmitters, force sensors, load cells, torque transducers, LVDT’s and sensor instrumentation.