Stellar Technology performs repairs on our pressure transducers, load cells, torque sensors and temperature transducers as well as like sensors from other manufacturers.
Before shipping your sensors for Repair/Calibration:
- Submit a request at the following link: https://www.stellartech.com/contact/request-a-repair-quote/
- Using this link, please include the necessary information below to ensure optimum processing of your Repair/Calibration request:
- FULL CONTACT INFORMATION (Name, Address, Phone & Email)
- Serial number AND model number (if the returned unit is a Stellar Technology product)
- Model number and manufacturer (if not a Stellar Technology product)
- Circumstances associated with what caused the need for repair (note: the more we understand the application and details surrounding the need for repair, the better the knowledge we have in addressing future repairs of this kind
- Which do you need ? Calibration, Repair or BOTH
- Do you need a Findings Report ? (If required, these are $75.00/unit; this must be requested prior to any evaluation starting
- Warranty repairs will be considered after initial evaluation
Once your request is received:
- You’ll be sent an email (usually 24-48 hrs) which will provide you with:
- A Return Authorization Form
- It’s important to reference this RMA# on all correspondence/documentation.
- Initial Quote
- A purchase order will be required prior to any work starting on an RMA order once the unit is sent to Stellar Technology.
- Return Instructions
- A Return Authorization Form
Upon completion of the evaluation/calibration:
- You will be sent a quote for any further evaluation or suggested repairs
- If the unit/s are deemed unrepairable, we will recommend the units be dispositioned